Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm So Proud of You!

"Great is my confidence in you; great is my boasting on your behalf.  I am filled with comfort; I am overflowing with joy in all our affliction."  2 Corinthians 7:4

The world needs what you are giving away!  We live in a broken world that seems to continue to be dismantled by many different forces.  The heartache of life seems overwhelming and even suffocating at times.  The world may be broken, but you and I have the tools to help bring restoration to her people.

Over the past few weeks and months, we have been enjoying many small stories in our organic churches and our corporate gathering times.  Any one of these stories would seem insignificant.  When you hear about one person helping a single mom fix some things around her house you may smile at the nice jester and quickly forget about it.  But what happens if that becomes the normal way of responding to situations (James 2:14-17)?  What happens if a whole neighborhood takes on a positive, godly perspective of helping others (think Zac and Melissa Robinson in Youngtown).  I believe the fragrance of Christ begins to swell the nostrils of people and puts a smile on their faces.

I am seeing this type of love flow from your hands and lips all around.  When strangers visit a widow in the hospital, the smell of Christ begins to waft in the hallways.  When an older man chooses to spend time with a teenager, teaching the teen about a skill, the aroma of Jesus gets a little stronger.  When people get involved with helping others move in the hot Phoenix summer heat, the refreshment of Jesus begins to roll.  When young men choose to become serious in their pursuit of Jesus by not only reading their Bibles but applying what they learn, the presence of Jesus becomes more and more tangible.

For these and many other reasons, I want to say that I am very proud of you as a community of Christ followers.  Of course we are imperfect with many flaws and weaknesses.  We have much to learn.  The difference is that Christ is in our midst and we are each straining to listen to Him and follow His instructions.  This causes our gatherings to be sweeter and something to look forward to.

I am seeing dozens of people in our community being transformed.  I am seeing dozens of people in our community live out the integrity of Jesus.  I am seeing the miracle of men and women, boys and girls become more and more like Jesus and I am very proud of each of you.

Together we are making a strong difference in our communities, workplaces and neighborhoods.  Keep up the grand work you are doing for Jesus.  I believe He is smiling and enjoying watching you walk out your faith (3 John 4).

Friday, July 1, 2011

Looking Out for Each Other

“Am I my brother’s keeper?”  This rhetorical question from Cain (who had just killed his brother) to God is a hint of how sin will usually point us in the opposite direction God desires.  Cain was trying to push off any responsibility for caring for his brother.  In the simplest of terms, Cain was selfish and self-absorbed.  Selfishness is certainly the opposite of what God intended (love).  We were created in God’s image and in part, this means that we were created to be in community, in relationships, deep relationships.  This imitates the communal relationship of the Trinity.  In the western culture today, faith is often viewed as being personal.  This makes sense in the west and especially in the USA because independence, individual freedom and consumerism (what is in it for me) are some of the highest touted values.  This all must be changed and we ought to begin looking out for each other, especially in our spiritual lives.

Now what I am not talking about is being in each others business and details of life unless invited.  What I am talking about is a strong love and concern for each other with an eye towards encouraging each other to be more and more like Jesus.  The book of Hebrews has a bunch of good things to say about this topic.  Let’s take a peek at Hebrews 3:12-14

12 See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. 14 We have come to share in Christ if we hold firmly till the end the confidence we had at first.

What I learn from this verse is that everyone of us is daily tempted to be slowly moved from a soft moldable heart to a hardened heart.  I learn from this that we alone are not adequate to protect our hearts from the danger of hardening.  We need to be encouraged ‘daily’ so we are not deceived and so that we finish the race with confidence. 

12 So take a new grip with your tired hands and stand firm on your shaky legs. 13 Mark out a straight path for your feet. Then those who follow you, though they are weak and lame, will not stumble and fall but will become strong.  Hebrews 12:12-13

In this passage we are urged to have a strong ‘constitution’, that is, a strong persevering spirit that doesn’t take their eyes off of the prize (Jesus) or give up.  The reason for not giving up is to help our fellow strugglers to not stumble and to become strong.  This is an ‘others centered’ perspective and it indicates that again, we need each other.

The world is full of challenges.  The Devil seeks to devour and destroy.  Our flesh is always raging against the Spirit.  We certainly do need each other but what might this look like? 

Philippians 2 gives us some good insights.  We should treat others as more important than ourselves.  This may include regular phone calls of encouragement, being honest with a few about our temptations, having regular conversations about where life may be eroding our faith, spend time together laughing, dreaming and invigorating one another to live life in large ways for Christ. 

I think one thing we all need is to act courageously and lovingly to develop conversations with people beyond the surface issues of life.  We should be ready to take risks in our relationships because we truly love them and want the best for them.  Doing what is right is always worth the requires it.

I would love to hear how you would suggest we live out these principles?